Hillsborough Dental Crowns

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Dental Crowns in Hillsborough, NJ

Dental enamel, the hardest substance in your body, acts as a barrier or insulator to shield your teeth from harm in the many forms it may take. However, the tooth is still prone to wear, trauma, and cavities due to some bad dental habits you may have developed over time, and you may experience a weak tooth as a result.
Dental fillings can only remedy tooth decay or a broken tooth when the damage isn’t too severe. If the entire structure of a tooth is ruined by dental decay, a cavity, or trauma, there’s only so much a filling can do to remedy the structural compromise.
In this case, getting a dental crown is the only solution to renew the tooth’s structure, improve its appearance, and restore normalcy to its functions. If you are concerned about your smile, a dental crown revives your confidence beyond functionality
Each of our meticulously made crowns is designed and fitted by our team at Hillsborough Prime Dental Lab using unmatched skill to reinforce and protect your damaged teeth. We use meticulous sterilization procedures on all equipment and instrumentation to ensure safety and comfort in our immaculate practice.

What is Dental Crown?

A tooth’s crown is visible above the gum line, while its roots are hidden beneath.
When a natural crown is fractured or decayed and cannot be repaired by a filling, we will gently shape and fit an artificial crown to restore the function of the damaged tooth.
A dental crown is a cap or cover designed to look exactly like a tooth and is placed over a damaged tooth to restore its structural integrity and optimal functions. As a secondary benefit, it improves the appearance of a damaged tooth and leads to more confident smiles.

Types of Dental Crowns

A tooth’s crown is visible above the gum line, while its roots are hidden beneath. The three primary types of dental crowns include metal crowns, ceramic crowns, or a combination of both. This is based on the materials they are made of. Nevertheless, there are other types of metal crowns, including the following:A dental crown is a cap or cover designed to look exactly like a tooth and is placed over a damaged tooth to restore its structural integrity and optimal functions. As a secondary benefit, it improves the appearance of a damaged tooth and leads to more confident smiles.
  • stainless steel crowns
  • resin crowns
  • gold crowns
  • porcelain crowns
  • porcelain fused to metal crowns,
  • zirconia crowns.
You can also use a temporary crown while waiting for a permanent one.
However, the affected tooth’s location determines the material most suitable for constructing a dental crown. Front teeth will require an all-ceramic crown because it’s a better replica of natural teeth. Still, the best crown is a combination of metal and ceramic, which combines aesthetics, durability, and functionality.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

A dental crown takes on the form of a natural tooth and also feels like it. No one will spot the difference, and it’s as good as a natural tooth in terms of function. But that is only one of its advantages. Dental crown work includes the following:
  • Protect a tooth from further deterioration
  • Repair and improve the decayed or damaged structure of a tooth
  • Improve the appearance of a poorly shaped, slightly stained, undersized, and generally awkward tooth for a confident smile
  • Replace a broken filling
  • Support a dental bridge in filling the gap left by a missing tooth
  • Hide a dental implant
  • Protect and provide structural strength to a tooth after a root canal treatment

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns cost a lot, and you might worry about their durability after paying through your nose to install them. The good news is that dental crowns are highly durable, and a well-maintained crown can last between 15 and 30 years. It’s important to stress the primary condition for durability, which is maintenance. If you take care of your dental crown properly, you could hit that 30-year mark. So, investing in a dental crown has long-term benefits, and if you are wondering if it’s worth it, its lifespan, alongside the other benefits, answers your question.

How to Maintain and Extend the Lifespan of a Dental Crown

Many factors can affect the durability of a dental crown on your tooth since the mouth is a complex structure, is always busy, and gets exposed to many elements daily. However, you can do the following to extend your dental crown’s lifespan.
  • Do not chew your nails or bones, bite ice, or handle other rigid substances. These habits can lead to cracking and chipping of the crown. The habits are also the reason you have a cracked tooth and can’t afford to continue with a crown.
  • Always revert to the dental care clinic for regular cleanings and checkups to expose any defects the crown is developing due to bad dental habits and receive more guidance on daily maintenance.
  • Don’t clench your teeth tightly or grind them, as this can lead to cracks or chips on the crown. If you are used to grinding and clenching your teeth, always wear a custom night guard before sleep.
  • Maintain good dental hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing once. Beyond protecting the dental crown on a particular tooth, these excellent dental hygiene practices will keep other teeth safe and healthier.

Why Choose Hillsborough Prime Dental

Looking for reasons to choose us? Here are some:
  • We care about your uninhibited smile.
  • We have an excellent dental team that cares about you.
  • Our office is cozy, free of worries, and will pamper you while we restore your brilliant smile.
  • We accept dental insurance.

Struggling to Smile Because Your Tooth is Damaged? Let's Give You a Bold Smile

At Hillsborough Prime Dental, we are committed to providing comprehensive, excellent dental services and are even more committed to restoring your once-beautiful smile. We firmly believe that a bright smile is the best outfit, and everyone deserves to wear one. Hence, we strive to provide the best dental services to our patients in line with the latest technological treatments. We are constantly upgrading our equipment and services to serve you better.
The pain of missing or broken teeth is unbearable. As we gently restore that smile to you, you will feel at home in our warm, relaxed, and welcoming office.
Please book an appointment with us today to get started.

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